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Walking on the WEB ... with a very special guide !  
ISSN 1127-4883     BTA - Telematic Bulletin of Art, February 14th 1999, n. 162

Fondazione IBM Italia has accepted with interest and pleasure to co-operate with Fondazione IDIS in the first step towards the completion of the ambitious technological project called: Mediateca Polifunzionale Telematica.

Through the donation of the extraordinary technical workmanship of Naples and Bari IBM Semea Sud Teams, Fondazione IBM Italia has permitted the development of an innovative I.T. Prototype to assist the WWW multimedia "navigation". In fact the WWW is like an unlimited virtual knowledge "ocean" of informations.

The large quantity of data available in the Web and in other digital libraries, is one of the most complex problem : to find and select them quickly, in a really effective and practical style, is a very important I.T. Researchers goal. Then "Intelligent Agents" were developed to work like virtual butlers, as a link between people and computers. After a good training, Agents can perform delicate and complex data research functions.

On the basis of this study, we have developed a Demo Point finalized to the Naples Science City - managed by IDIS Foundation - to preview (previewing) the future Mediateca Polifunzionale Telematica.

The application has studied and developed some Intelligent Agents joined to various multimedia titles; visitors are helped by them to enjoy the Demo.
The IBM researchers have implemented 15 "Sages' " profiles whom - as virtual "Virgilio" - provide to walk with visitors into the WEB.

Furthermore - from a visitor's point of view and perspective - some Agents assist people to choose the closest "Sage".
The selected "Sage" will be the virtual driver into the WWW chaotic world, showing the best Internet view through multimedia biographic news (text, images, movies, sounds), explaining the cultural scenario and environment.

All cultural contents implemented will be reached using a friendly graphic interface. Moreover it will be possible to submit some queries and / or ask for help to the other "Sages". By navigating with these "special guides", visitors will be able to walk on several virtual paths, adding or modifying their interests and preferred profiles.



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